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Jorge Muñoz Steering Committe Member of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining

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The academic and researcher from the School of Engineering and director of the Human & Process Research Lab (HAPLAB) begins a new professional cycle positioning Process Mining as a useful tool for the future of technology and life in society.

A few weeks ago, Jorge Muñoz Gama, academic of the School of Engineering and director of the Human & Process Research Lab (HAPLAB) of the Department of Computer Science, was appointed as a new member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining.

The IEEE Task Force on Process Mining is the society in charge of the development, promotion and implementation of Process Mining (also known as Data Science for Processes) in the global industrial and academic enviroments. Among the milestones of the Task Force is the organization of the International Conference on Process Mining, the approval of the XES as the official IEEE standard for the exchange of procedural data or the drafting of the Process Mining Manifesto, translated into 16 languages. 

“The Task Force emerged in 2009 as part of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, and I joined in 2010. We were just four members, most of us academics. Today the society is made up of more than 750 members. Including really important companies applying Process Mining, such as Deloitte, Siemens, IBM, Fraunhofer, or Celonis, the leading company in the Process Mining sector and valued at 11 billion US$ according to Forbes "explained the academic.

In addition, apart from leading existing initiatives, the members of the Steering Committee are expected to promote new ideas, which could positively impact DCC's research development. “As a simple active member, we have managed to position our HAPLAB laboratory as the international referent for the application of Process Mining in the health area, organizing conferences, special issues in magazines, alliances, awards, or books on the subject. As a Steering Committee, I hope to do the same with another area with great potential: education. Process Mining can become a very useful tool to design curricular programs, analyze work patterns within a course, analyze online programs such as MOOCs, improve training in surgical procedures, or many other topics related to education ”, commented the academic.